'Gift A Brick' to build a Disability Centre in Karjat ➜

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Samaaveshi started its journey as an 'inclusive kindergarten' in Kashele village, on 3rd Dec 2018 (World Disability Day). From Dec 2018 to April 2024, we operated an in-house kindergarten (LKG & UKG) with approx. 30 students, including 3-4 children with disabilities (CWDs), every academic year. A majority of these children came from low-income Katkari (ST) communities in Kashele.

For AY 2024-25, we decided to discontinue our in-house KG and work directly with the three Anganwadi centres in Kashele, comprising 60+ children aged 3-6, including three CWDs. The intervention entails renovating physical infra (solar, mini-library, smart TV, WASH facilities etc.), and placing an early educator at each Anganwadi to facilitate quality inclusive, early education from 10AM to 1PM (Monday to Friday). Besides, we provide infra and technical support on inclusive early-ed practices to four additional Anganwadis situated within Kashele gram panchayat, with approx. 80+ preschool children (including 3 CWDs).


On 3rd June 2019, Samaaveshi inaugurated a 'Community library / Disability resource entre' in Kashele village, to improve literacy and life skills among young children with diverse learning needs in Kashele village. The library is open from 9 AM to 5 PM (Monday to Saturday), and has 1500+ books and early learning items, including 100+ assistive learning resources to support the education of CWDs.

The highlight of the library is the ‘Weekend Library Workshop’ held since its inception, on a range of topics related to foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN), storytelling, creative arts and life skills - attended by approx. 20-30 children from Kashele and adjacent tribal hamlets, including a group of CWDs. By 2030, we plan to build a network of five community libraries / disability resource centres, to build an ecosystem of inclusive education in Karjat block.


In August 2019, Samaaveshi began a collaboration with Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, and the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), Karjat, to launch the 'Inclusive Anganwadi training programme’. The idea is to build capacity of local Anganwadi teachers in early disability identification and inclusive education skills - to gradually transform rural Anganwadis into ‘inclusive, early education centres' for all children with and without disabilities.

The programme comprises of two key components: 1) a series of 12 workshops on disability and inclusive-ed practices, with small clusters of Anganwdi teachers, and 2) providing a ‘mini-library’ resource kit of multi-sensory play and learning materials to each Anganwadi. At present, Samaaveshi is working with 100 Anganwadis, and we plan to cover all 300 Anganwadis in Karjat block by 2030.


Over 50% Anganwadis (of total 300) in Karjat block DO NOT have electricity. In 2021, Samaaveshi launched a pilot to transform five local Anganwadis without electricity into ‘Solar Anganwadis’. The idea was to install 165W solar power + 1 Smart TV + 1 Smartphone, to provide uninterrupted power and access to digital (and assistive) learning to Anganwadis during COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2022, we launched 'Smart Anganwadi Project' to undertake comprehensive transformation of three Anganwadis comprising of physical renovation and painting, classroom furniture, mini-library, smart TV, and water filter and toilet. The initiative resulted in significant improvement in child enrolment, classroom engagement and early learning outcomes among rural children. As of 2024, we have transformed 15 Anganwadis into 'Solar, Smart Anganwadis'. Our goal is to solarize all 150 Anganwadis in Karjat (that do not have electricity and other amenities) by 2030.


Post COVID-19 pandemic, Samaaveshi began a new collaboration with the Block Education Office (BEO), Karjat, to launch the 'Zilla Parishad (ZP) school inclusive education' programme. The objective is to improve the quality of education in public schools by strengthening their infrastructure, and facilitating inclusive education using ‘universal design for learning (UDL)’.

In AY 2022-23, we started working with ZP School (Kashele), and focused on classroom intervention for grades 1-3, comprising of 38 students (5 CWDs). In AY 2023-24, we expanded the initiative to an additional ZP school in Kauthewadi village, with 42 students in grades 1-4 (3 CWDs). By 2025, we plan to work with all five ZP schools under Kashele gram panchayat in Karjat block.
Attached is an image of the 'STEM & INNOVATION LAB' set-up at ZP School (Kashele) in March 2024, with CSR funding from Amazon India.